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Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud

MY TALL HANDSOME, a collection of beautiful words making profound points about love, Love, and lovingkindness

— feeling baby
My Tall Handsome: Poems (Mineral Point Poetry Series) (Volume 4) - Emily Corwin, Kiki Petrosino

Rating: 4.5* of five


Don't kid yourselves, it's a big fat honkin' deal when I review a collection of poetry with almost five stars. I'm not a poetry-first kind of an old queen. It's really important to remember that when I say I would sit and listen to this poem cycle being read or (preferably) sung Lied-style to me.


I will seek this young woman's poetry out in future. Yes, you read that right: I'll go buy other books she writes with my very few United States dollars. Read my review, then go buy this collection, to see why you should too.